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My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. - Isaiah‬ ‭32‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Last Prayer Walk.png

Monday nights throughout the month of June and July, we will be walking our neighborhoods to flood our community with prayers of hope and declarations of love. 

Meet us at any of the neighborhoods listed at 6:50pm for instructions. Walk begins at 7pm.

Invite your family and friends and let's impact our community for good. 

Father, we come boldly to your throne of grace interceding for the communities of Charles County. We thank you that your eyes are upon this neighborhood and your ears are open to our prayers. Father, thank you for preserving this neighborhood and bringing restoration and wholeness to our communities. We pray for a spiritual awakening in the hearts of these Charles County residents. Restore faith and vision in this generation and ignite in them a holy fire and godly passion that will destroy every unclean influence. We decree that Jesus is Lord over Charles County! Every strategy that the enemy has devised against the people in this community is hindered and defeated. In the name of Jesus, we bind the strongmen that have held this neighborhood in bondage. We bind the spirits of greed, violence, murder, suicide and self destruction. We bind the spirits of hatred, abuse, anger and rage. We bind the spirits of division and racism, strife, mental oppression, depression and mind control, crime, vandalism, stealing, assault, and gang violence. We bind the spirits of lust, sexual immorality, perversion and homosexuality, rape, molestation and adultery. We bind the spirits of fornication, incest, pornography, prostitution, divorce and the destruction of marriages and families. We bind the spirits of fear, lying, idolatry, witchcraft, anti-Christ, deception, rejection, pride, jealousy, bitterness and rebellion. In the name of Jesus, we bind the spirits behind organized crime, illegal firearm sales and usage, all black-market activity, the illegal drug trade and usage, gambling and corruption. We execute divine judgment against the forces of darkness and cancel every satanic operation and maneuver designed against Charles County and its residents. We evict every demonic spirit from this neighborhood in this city and decree that the works of the devil are destroyed. We plead the blood of Jesus over every household in this community and render every assignment of the enemy against our youth null, void, powerless and ineffective. We declare that heavenly angels have been given charge over this city to protect, guard and defend it in Jesus’ name. We loose the blessing upon every individual, family, neighborhood, business and area of government in this city. We decree that every stronghold of the enemy has fallen and is no more. Father, send forth laborers into this city preaching the gospel, bringing healing to the broken hearted, deliverance to the captives and liberty and restoration to them that are bruised. Father, send forth an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, truth, love, joy, peace, righteousness, faith, holiness and Your Word to saturate this entire city. Father, thank you that Your Word will not return void, but shall accomplish everything it is sent out to perform in this community and all of Charles County, in Jesus name. Amen!

Stone Road
Prayer for Charles County Neighborhoods

© 2014-2025 by Victory Christian Ministries International 

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